Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project Donates Telescope setup to Brad Zickefoose as 2016 Jon Wood award.
October 28, 2016

We at CBSAP applaud Brad and his team members for what they have accomplished and are happy to help him do more with this professional guided telescope setup for his use in his teaching career.
The award consisted of a Celestron Advanced VX mount, a Skywatcher ProED 80mm APO telescope, A Herschell wedge and a variable polarizer from Woodland Hills Camera and Telescope for solar viewing, a Celestron Power Tank and a pair of solar binoculars to help teach his students about our nearest star.
I delivered the equipment on October 13th at Brad’s home and gave him a 3 hour instructional course on how to setup and use the equipment.
Brad was very grateful to CBSAP, their sponsors and donors, for the great assistance in teaching his kids about science. He commented that he had never owned a telescope before and was greatly impressed with the quality and ease of use of these fine products.
We viewed Saturn, Mars, Venus, the Sun and Moon through the telescope. His eyes were as wide as his middle schoolers when he viewed these objects for the first time through his own telescope.
We wish Brad good luck in his career and applaud his efforts to get us back into space!
Stephen W. Ramsden
Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project