Celestron at RTMC 2007 Astronomy Expo
May 31, 2007
For the 39th time, amateur astronomers from all over gathered at Big Bear, CA to see the newest astronomical toys.
Celestron was on hand to showcase new products and participate in the nightly star party.
Celestron is a proud sponsor and contributing manufacturer of raffle prizes to RTMC.
A look inside the Celestron booth at RTMC .
A winner of Celestron SkyScout raffle.
Celestron Assistant Marketing Manager, Michelle Meskill with a happy winner of the Celestron CPC 800 GPS raffle.
Celestron staff working the booth at RTMC 2007.
Celestron founder, Tom Johnson, with the CGE 1400.
Celestron Repair Supervisor, Kevin Kawai (left) and Repair Technician Hector Antuna "manning the guns" at the RTMC 2007.
Celestron Team at the RTMC 2007 .