Can I get my Mac to display images from my #44300 HDM?
November 19, 2008
For the older model #44300, the drivers aren’t on the CD that comes with the scope. Instead, go to the Celestron website and download the Mac drivers. They will work for most Macs OS 10.3 and higher.
Plug the camera into a port on the computer, not the keyboard, as for desktop Macs the keyboard port does not deliver enough power to run the camera. Do this prior to turning the Mac on.
No Mac software was supplied with this now discontinued model. You can use programs that may already be installed on your Mac like Photo Booth, iChat and iPhoto. To find these programs, go to your hard drive and search applications.
If you already have a camera attached to the computer, then, from inside the application (such as Photo Booth), you must change the default camera to “Celestron microscope.”
Updated 12/18/13