Stepping Into the World of Imaging
April 28, 2015
Thrilled with the images that she’s been able to capture, Celestron new user Robin wrote in to share her experience with us. Take a look below at what she had to say, and let us know your thoughts!
Hi Celestron,
I've attached three images that I took with my Skyris 132m camera mounted to my double-stacked Lunt LS50THa Hydrogen Alpha solar telescope with B600 blocking filter. My scope is mounted on a small Takahashi Sky Patrol Equatorial tracking mount. I use FireCapture for image capture, Autostakkert! for stacking, and Photoshop for final processing.
For prime focus imaging, I use a Starizona T-to-C adapter to mate the camera directly to the Lunt B600 blocking filter diagonal. For the barlow shots, I use a GSO barlow lens screwed into the Skyris camera's 1.25-inch nosepiece, which I then insert into the blocking diagonal's eyepiece holder.
The Skyris 132m is the first camera I've ever used for astro-imaging, and I really like the compact design of the camera. And I'm thrilled with the images I've been getting with the Skyris132m and the Lunt LS50.