Stepping Into the World of Imaging

Thrilled with the images that she’s been able to capture, Celestron new user Robin wrote in to share her experience with us. Take a look below at what she had to say, and let us know your thoughts!


Hi Celestron,

I've attached three images that I took with my Skyris 132m camera mounted to my double-stacked Lunt LS50THa Hydrogen Alpha solar telescope with B600 blocking filter. My scope is mounted on a small Takahashi Sky Patrol Equatorial tracking mount. I use FireCapture for image capture, Autostakkert! for stacking, and Photoshop for final processing.

For prime focus imaging, I use a Starizona T-to-C adapter to mate the camera directly to the Lunt B600 blocking filter diagonal. For the barlow shots, I use a GSO barlow lens screwed into the Skyris camera's 1.25-inch nosepiece, which I then insert into the blocking diagonal's eyepiece holder.

The Skyris 132m is the first camera I've ever used for astro-imaging, and I really like the compact design of the camera. And I'm thrilled with the images I've been getting with the Skyris132m and the Lunt LS50.



1.5x Barlow NE Limb _April 232015_Robin Clark    1.5x Barlow NW Limb _April 232015_Robin Clark    Full Disk _April 232015_Robin Clark