Venus and Saturn Conjunction
January 4, 2023
On January 22, 2023, Venus and Saturn will be in conjunction, with their closest approach occurring at 19:36 UTC.  Venus and Saturn will share the same right ascension, with Venus passing 0°21' to the south of Saturn.  For observers in Los Angeles, the close approach will occur during the day, at 11:36 am local time. However, the planets will still be close together in the evening sky. You’ll enjoy the best views shortly after sunset (5:12 pm) at 5:29 pm PST. At that time, Venus and Saturn will be positioned about 15 degrees above the horizon, giving observers about 2 hours to view the conjunction until the planets dip below the horizon.
Image created with Celestron SkyPortal
This event is a must-see for visual observers and astroimagers alike. The planetary pair will be close enough to fit within the field of view of a telescope, making for a striking image. But since both planets are so bright, they’ll also be visible with the naked eye or through a pair of binoculars. Venus will shine at magnitude -3.9, with Saturn dimmer at magnitude 0.7.
Image created with Celestron SkyPortal
Here are observing guides on how to view each of the objects in the conjunction separately.Â
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When will the Venus and Saturn Conjunction occur in my time zone?
Events |
Venus and Saturn Conjunction |
1936 |
936 |
1136 |
1236 |
1336 |
1436 |
Best time to View |
1936 |
1829 |
1729 |
1750 |
1728 |
1718 |
Refence our UTC guide and find out. Click here